Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan is a Live-Action adaptation based on the manga of the same name. The first season premiered on December 28th 2020, and the second season premiered on December 27th 2021. The lead, Rohan Kishibe will be interpreted by Issei Takahashi.
Issei Takahashi as Rohan Kishibe
Marie Iitoyo as Kyoka Izumi
Fuga Shibazaki as Ikkyu
Mirai Moriyama as Shishi Juugo
Kumi Takeuchi as Mai Katahira
Tomoya Nakamura as Taro Hirai
Episode List[]
Season 1[]
- Millionaire Village
- Kushagara
- D.N.A.
Season 2[]
- The Run
- From Behind
- Mutsu-Kabe Hill
One-shot Stories and Miscellaneous Works | |
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan | |
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan OVAs | |
Under Execution Under Jailbreak | |
Collaborations |
Earlier works by Araki | |
Other short stories |