JoJo's Bizarre Wiki
JoJo's Bizarre Wiki

Throughout the series, Stands have always been the occasion for Araki to draw not only weird stuff, but visually weird stuff.

For instance, Enigma, visually trippy power. (I took the anime version since DP did it justice) latest?cb=20161104185925

Baby Face transforms people into cubes. D4C and the sponge stuff, or even the Dimension of light Jesus creates, heck even Tenore Sax creating a labyrinth in DIO's mansion. That was trippy.

But in Jojolion, we've never had something that looks really trippy. Closest thing we got was Joshu's eye popping out at the beginning, Paper Moon King, or potentially Kaato's Stand. Although it's the weirdest part, Jojolion is not a visually weird part. I find it somewhat sad. Who feels the same?
